Thursday, 29 March 2012

The Poison Dart Frog

Although the poison dart frog is small at about 2.5 cm it packs a powerful blow. It doesn't weigh much either, measuring in at about 28 grams, but it is considered to be one of the most toxic species on earth. To give you an idea of just how poisonous they are: a golden poison dart frog is toxic enough to kill 20,000 mice. The reason for the bright colours of blue, red, green, yellow or orange is actually to warn any predators. their vibrant colours scream at predators: don't eat me, I'm poisonous.

It is reckoned that these frogs get their toxicity from eating insects that have in turn eaten poisonous plants. It is thought this because poison dart frogs that are raised in captivity are not poisonous because they haven't eaten any poisonous insects.

As you would expect, the poison dart frog captures its prey like any other frog. It shoots out a long, sticky tongue which captures the frog's prey. These frogs eat insects such as: fruit flies, small beetles, termites and ants.

The poison dart frog lives in the rain forests of South and Central America. They love the conditions of the rain forests. It's about 27° Celsius, the temperature these frogs thrives on. There is plenty of light and vegetation which gives the right amount of sunlight and shade.

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